Ole sankale

Poems for kids

HillRose Poetry collection

Effective Parenting

What Matters Most In South Sudan
What Matters Most in South Sudan
Author: Dr. Stephen Mathiang
There are two things that never go together, conflict and development. This is why the author claims that the reconciliation between Dinka and Nuer communities is what matters most in South Sudan today. He further goes on to list a host of benefits that could accrue from the reconciliation of the two communities. These include; economic, political and social benefits as well as an improved image of the nation in a global community.

Visionary Leadership
Visionary Leadership
Author: Dr. Jacob Mwangi
Dr. Mwangi sets forth to share leadership insights and practices he’s learned in the decades from: the knowledge he gleaned from books in Harvard university where he graduated with a First-Class PhD in Leadership and Management; from his work experience while working for multinationals; as he trained leadership of Churches and NGOs and, now, as he runs a leading school—Rusinga School— which is the foremost international Christian school in East Africa.
No matter what area you are called to? Church, business, school, NGO? The principles Dr. Mwangi shares will positively impact your own life and the lives of those around you.

Secrets of Thriving in Hard Times
Secrets of Thriving in hard times
Author: Paul Mwaniki
We are living at a time like no other in history, days that are characterized by all manner of challenges. This book therefore, is sure to open the eyes of the saints of God to their end-time responsibility of being the light and the salt of the earth, a city built on a hill, in the context of a hopeless, depraved world.

The Mugikuyu Woman
The Mugikuyu Woman
Author: Dr. Wachuka Gathigia Njoroge
This book, which is based on some of the things her mother told her about life in the past, seeks to familiarize the reader with the day-to-day activities of the traditional Gikuyu woman.

Ngerekano Cia Muturire
Ngerekano Cia Mutuurire (Masaibu ya Maisha)
Author: Wangari wa Migwi
This is a book written based on true life stories of people from a show the author hosted at Kameme Tv